SNAP Connect DHS has introduced SNAP Connect to provide customers with more flexibility and convenience when completing an interview as part of their initial application or renewal. With SNAP Connect, customers will be able to call in for their interview at a time and date that is convenient for the customer. A pilot for SNAP Connect will begin in January 2025. Read the full release here:
Technology Adoption Days Technology Adoption Days provide customers with weekly opportunities every Wednesday to learn how to access the Customer Portal ( and mobile app. Through this initiative, customers will learn how to make the best use of DHS's digital resources to access and update their cases anytime and anywhere. Read the full release here:
Community Reminder DHS offices will be closed on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, Veteran’s Day, Monday, Nov. 11, and Thanksgiving, Thursday, Nov. 28. For the weeks of Election Day and Thanksgiving, the Call Center will be open for the remaining four days of the week to accept incoming calls between 8:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. The week of Veteran’s Day, the Call Center days of operation will be Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Customers will continue to have access to the Customer Portal (, the mobile app, and the self-service Call Center during the observances. Please plan accordingly.
Interpretation Services Available If you are seeking information about DHS programs and services in a language other than English, please be advised that interpretation services and/or interpreters are available to you at no cost. Persons with disabilities requiring another form of communication, such as auxiliary aids for hearing and the visually impaired, can inform DHS about their needs so appropriate accommodations can be made.
DHS to Issue Additional Pandemic-Related Cash Payment to Eligible RIW Households Published on Tuesday, December 05, 2023 This week, the RI Department of Human Services (DHS) will be disbursing an additional benefit amount of $45 for each eligible child who previously received Rhode Island Works (RIW) benefits from Sept. 1, 2023, to Nov. 30, 2023. Funded through the federal Pandemic Emergency Allotment Fund, the one-time issuance will help provide relief from inflation-related costs experienced by RIW households. To be eligible for the additional benefit, families must have been enrolled in RIW and have dependent children who received benefits at some point during Sept. 1, 2023, to Nov. 30, 2023. The total benefit amount is based on the total number of children in the eligible household. The additional issuance will benefit approximately 6,800 eligible children. Benefits will be disbursed on the household’s EBT card. These benefits will be expunged if families do not use the funds within 90 days of the date the extra benefit is added to the EBT card. Eligible RIW households will receive a notice in the mail about the extra allotment. Customers will be able to access this one-time extra allotment on or around December 7. RIW benefits are regularly issued on the 1st and 16th of each month. -------- Español DHS emitirá pagos adicionales en efectivo relacionados con la pandemia para hogares elegibles de RIW Esta semana, el Departamento de Servicios Humanos (DHS) de RI pagará un beneficio adicional por un monto de $45 por cada niño elegible que haya recibido beneficios de Rhode Island Works (RIW) previamente, del 1 de septiembre del 2023 al 30 de noviembre de 2023. Financiado por el Fondo federal de asignación para emergencias por pandemia, esta emisión única ayudará a aliviar los costos relacionados con la inflación que experimentan los hogares de RIW. Para SER elegibles para el beneficio adicional, las familias deben haber estado inscritas en RIW y tener niños dependientes que recibieron beneficios en algún momento entre el 1 de septiembre de 2023 al 30 de noviembre de 2023. El monto total del beneficio se basa en el número total de niños en el hogar elegible Esta emisión adicional beneficiará a 6,800 niños elegibles aproximadamente. Los beneficios se desembolsarán en la tarjeta EBT del hogar. Estos beneficios se eliminarán si las familias no utilizan los fondos en los 90 días siguientes a la fecha de desembolso del beneficio adicional en la tarjeta EBT. Los hogares de RIW elegibles recibirán un aviso por correo postal sobre la asignación adicional. Los clientes podrán acceder a esta asignación adicional única alrededor del 7 de diciembre. Los beneficios de RIW son emitidos regularmente entre los días 1 y 16 de cada mes. -- Português O DHS irá emitir um pagamento adicional em dinheiro relacionado com a pandemia para agregados familiares RIW elegíveis Esta semana, o Departamento de Serviços Humanos (DHS) de RI irá pagar um montante de benefício adicional no valor de 45 USD para cada criança elegível que tenha recebido benefícios do programa Rhode Island Works (RIW) entre 1 de setembro de 2023 e 30 de novembro de 2023. Financiado através do Fundo Pandémico de Distribuição de Emergência federal, este pagamento único irá dar apoio a custos advindos da inflação sentidos pelos agregados familiares RIW. Para ser elegível para o benefício adicional, as famílias têm de estar inscritas no RIW e ter crianças dependentes que tenham recebido benefícios entre 1 de setembro de 2023 e 30 de novembro de 2023. O montante total do benefício tem por base o número total de crianças no agregado familiar elegível. O pagamento adicional irá beneficiar aproximadamente 6800 crianças elegíveis. Os benefícios serão pagos para o cartão EBT do agregado familiar. Estes benefícios serão anulados se as famílias não usarem os fundos dentro de 90 dias a partir da data em que o benefício extra for adicionado ao cartão EBT. Os agregados familiares RIW elegíveis irão receber um aviso por correio sobre o pagamento extra. Os beneficiários poderão aceder a este pagamento único extraordinário por volta do dia 7 de dezembro. Os benefícios RIW são emitidos regularmente nos dias 1 e 16 de cada mês.